Ok ni story panas dr oven ag..Td aku n da geng bru ps celebrate birthdy party but not my birthday oke...Ni birthday one of my frenz SHY...not syh2 cat ehhh but we called her like dat..her name actually syaida husna..
I'm not pretty sure bout da spelling..sory ehh shy lau slh hehe..nty aku pnjam ic hg p fotostat then letak lm frame.
Ok xmo ckp byk cm mak nenek yg vouge...korng layan je laa gmbar2 neh erk...
Yg pegang kek 2 laa birthday planner
Haaa yg ni model kedai kek fairy kiki
Ni laa birthday girl yg da tua kah3
As usual with my ngokngek frenz mimi conan
All of us :)
Happy birthday shy..sweet 19 oke..be a gud daughter to ur parents n be a gud frenz also hehe
weyy ngok ngek ag kata kat aku?? ish3,,,,